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29 posts tagged with "product-update"

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What’s new in DCM 1.11.0

· 12 min read


Today we’re excited to announce the release of DCM 1.11.0!

New command to analyze the quality and usage of your widgets, 20 new rules (with 6 of them to help enforce the Flutter style guide 🔥), ~30 rules updated, redesigned HTML reports with, of course, dark mode support 🚀!


This release contains 3 breaking changes that you should be aware of: the avoid-unnecessary-late rule has been renamed to avoid-unnecessary-local-late, the check-exports-completeness command now uses the --fatal-found flag (instead of --fatal-unused) and metrics global ignore has been renamed from type=metric to type=metrics.

Plus, in the next release we'll update the recommended preset to include new rules. If you use this preset, please be ready to address new warnings.

Now, let’s go on a quick journey together to explore all updates!

Announcing DCM license for open source projects

· 2 min read

Today we're excited to announce a new license type: open source project licenses!

Working on open source is difficult because you usually have to work late at night or on weekends, which makes every minute count but also increases the chance of error. This is where DCM can help. Enabling DCM rules helps reduce the time spent fixing tricky bugs and reviewing code. It can also help you align the coding style between your regulars and new contributors.

What’s new in DCM 1.10.0

· 9 min read


Today we’re excited to announce the release of DCM 1.10.0!

New command to deactivate the current device to help you manage your license activations, 14 new rules, general UX improvements and displaying the recommended rules for the Trail licenses by default 🚀.

Let’s go on a quick journey together to explore all updates!

What’s new in DCM 1.9.0

· 9 min read


Today we’re excited to announce the release of DCM 1.9.0!

New "Recommended" presets, 13 new rules and many more improved, dedicated GitHub Action to run DCM checks 🚀.

Let’s go on a quick journey together to explore all updates!

What’s new in DCM 1.8.0

· 12 min read


Today we’re excited to announce the release of DCM 1.8.0!

New command to simplify integrating DCM into existing projects, 17 new rules (2 for the Patrol testing library 🚀), support for dart_frog files for check-unused-code and check-unused-files, Gitlab reporter format for all existing commands and more 🔥.

And with this release, DCM crossed the 200 rule mark 🥳 (currently 215)!

Let’s go on a quick journey together to explore all updates!

What’s new in DCM 1.7.0

· 11 min read


Today we’re excited to announce the release of DCM 1.7.0!

Improved developer experience with DCM configuration, 25 new rules, 24 existing rules improved and more! 🚀

Let’s go on a quick journey together to explore all the new features!

What’s new in DCM 1.6.0

· 6 min read


Today we’re excited to announce the release of DCM 1.6.0! New Individuals version, customizable formatter with project-wide configuration 😱, complete rewrite of IntelliJ plugin, new rules and more! 🚀

Let’s go on a quick journey together to explore all the new features!

What’s new in DCM for Teams 1.4.0

· 13 min read


Today we’re excited to announce the release of DCM for Teams 1.4.0! In this version we added a new assist called "Wrap with ...", new command to find unused or missing dependencies, 22 new rules (and 5 of them are for the provider package 😱) and more!

Let’s go on a quick journey together to explore all the new features!

What’s new in DCM for Teams 1.3.0

· 11 min read


New month, new DCM release! Today we’re excited to announce the release of DCM for Teams 1.3.0! In this version we completely reworked metrics (plus added new ones), added long promised baseline support, added support for applying dcm fix on save, new rules and more!

Let’s go on a quick journey together to explore all the new features!

What’s new in DCM for Teams 1.2.0

· 10 min read


Today we’re excited to announce the release of DCM for Teams 1.2.0! In this version we focused on improving dcm fix, cleaned up false-positives in the unused code check, added 22 new rules, fixed false-positives in existing rules and more!

Let’s go on a quick journey together to explore all the new features!

What’s new in DCM for Teams 1.1.0

· 8 min read


Today we’re excited to announce the release of DCM for Teams 1.1.0! In this version we improved the unused code check (now it can check for separate fields and methods), added two new commands: dcm check-exports-completeness and dcm fix, ten new rules and small improvements like highlighting the unused // ignore comments and reanalysing all the files after the config is changed.

Let’s go on a quick journey together to explore all the new features!

Announcing DCM for Teams

· 9 min read


2022 was a huge year for DCM - 26 releases, 32 new rules added, a lot of existing rules improved, several new commands (like check-unused-code and check-unnecessary-nullable-parameters) added, but we received a lot of feedback that the current IDE integration scales poorly and it's a real pain to use DCM on large projects.

So that's why today we're excited to present you a version that still focuses on helping you build better software, but also aims to scale with your codebase - DCM for Teams!