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Calculate Metrics

Reports code metrics.


You need to configure metrics entry in the analysis_options.yaml before running this command.

To execute the command, run:

$ dcm calculate-metrics lib # or dcm cm lib

Full command description:

Usage: dcm calculate-metrics [arguments] <directories>
-h, --help Print this usage information.

-r, --reporter="console" (--output-format) Analysis output format.
[console (default), html, json, codeclimate, gitlab, checkstyle, sonar]
-o, --output-dir="OUTPUT" Write HTML output to OUTPUT.
(defaults to "metrics")
--open Automatically open generated HTML report.
--flat Show only a flat list of files (HTML report only).
--output-to="path/to/file" Path to the file with the analysis output.
--report-all Report all metric results (default is to report only high or very high metric levels).

-c, --print-config Print resolved config.

--root-folder="./" Root folder.
(defaults to the current directory)
-s, --sdk-path="directory-path" Dart SDK directory path.
If the project has a `.fvm/flutter_sdk` symlink, it will be used if the SDK is not found.
-e, --exclude="{**/*.g.dart,**/*.freezed.dart}" Files to exclude (in Glob syntax).
(defaults to "{**/*.g.dart,**/*.freezed.dart}")

--no-congratulate Don't show output even when there are no issues.

--verbose Show verbose logs.

--ci-key The license key to run on CI server. Can be provided via DCM_CI_KEY env variable.
--email The email used to purchase the license. Can be provided via DCM_EMAIL env variable.

--no-analytics Disable sending anonymous usage statistics.

--fatal-level="unset" Treat found equal or higher metric level as fatal (unset by default).
[near, high, very-high]

Reporting All Metric Values​

By default only the HTML reporter shows all metric values (below and above) the configured thresholds.

To enable the same output for other reporters, pass the --report-all CLI flag.

Output Example​

Console (default)​

Use --reporter=console to get output in console format.



Use --reporter=html to get output in HTML format.


To generate a report only for files, use the "--flat" CLI option.

HTML Report Overview​


HTML Single File Report​



Use --reporter=json to get output as a single JSON object containing metadata and the list of metric violations.

Format specification

The root object fields are​

  • formatVersion - an integer representing the format version (will be incremented each time the serialization format changes)
  • timestamp - a creation time of the report in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format
  • metricResults - an array of objects
  • summary - an array of objects
"formatVersion": 10,
"timestamp": "2021-04-11 14:44:42",
"metricResults": [
"summary": [

The result object fields are​

  • path - a relative path to the target file
  • issues - an array of metric issues
"path": "lib/src/metrics/metric_computation_result.dart",
"issues": {

The issue object fields are​

  • id - metric id
  • message - the associated message
  • location - the location associated with the issue
  • effortInMinutes - an estimated effort to fix the issue (in minutes)
  • level - a level of the value computed by the metric
  • value - an actual value computed by the metric
  • unitType - a human readable unit type (optional)
  • declarationName - the name of the declaration (optional)
  • recommendation - a message with information about how the user can improve the value (optional)
"id": "cyclomatic-complexity",
"message": "This method has a cyclomatic complexity of 4, which exceeds the maximum of 3 allowed.",
"location": {
"effortInMinutes": 15,
"level": "high",
"value": 4,
"declarationName": "name"

The location object fields are​

  • startColumn - the start column of the entity
  • startLine - the start line of the entity
  • endColumn - the end column of the entity
  • endLine - the end line of the entity
  • startOffset - the offset of the entity
"endColumn": 2,
"endLine": 90,
"startColumn": 1,
"startLine": 48,
"startOffset": 1638

The summary-record object fields are​

  • title - a message with information about the record
  • value - an actual value of this record (can be an array or a single value)
  • violations - the number of violations of a metric associated with this record
"title": "Scanned folders",
"value": 13
"title": "Scanned files",
"value": 30
"title": "Scanned classes",
"value": 71
"title": "CYCLO",
"value": 207,
"violations": 0
Old format specification (prior to DCM 1.26.0)

The root object fields are​

  • formatVersion - an integer representing the format version (will be incremented each time the serialization format changes)
  • timestamp - a creation time of the report in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format
  • records - an array of objects
  • summary - an array of objects
"formatVersion": 2,
"timestamp": "2021-04-11 14:44:42",
"records": [
"summary": [

The record object fields are​

  • path - a relative path to the target file
  • fileMetrics - an array with target file metrics
  • classes - a map with class name as the key and class report as the value
  • functions - a map with function name as the key and function report as the value
"path": "lib/src/metrics/metric_computation_result.dart",
"classes": {
"functions": {
"fileMetrics": {

The summary-record object fields are​

  • title - a message with information about the record
  • value - an actual value of this record (can be an array or a single value)
  • violations - a value of a violations count of a metric associated with this record
"title": "Average Cyclomatic Number per line of code",
"value": 0.3447098976109215,
"violations": 5

The report object fields are​

  • codeSpan - a source code span of the target entity
  • metrics - an array with target entity metrics
"codeSpan": {
"metrics": [

The code span object fields are​

  • start - a start location of an entity
  • end - an end location of an entity
  • text - a source code text of an entity
"start": {
"end": {
"text": "entity source code"

The location object fields are​

  • offset - a zero-based offset of the location in the source
  • line - a zero-based line of the location in the source
  • column - a zero-based column of the location in the source
"offset": 156,
"line": 7,
"column": 1

The metric value object fields are​

  • metricsId - an id of the computed metric
  • value - an actual value computed by the metric
  • unitType - a human readable unit type (optional)
  • level - a level of the value computed by the metric
  • comment - a message with information about the value
  • recommendation - a message with information about how the user can improve the value (optional)
  • context - an additional information associated with the value that helps understand how the metric was computed
"metricsId": "number-of-methods",
"value": 14,
"unitType": "methods",
"level": "warning",
"comment": "This class has 14 methods, which exceeds the maximum of 10 allowed.",
"recommendation": "Consider breaking this class up into smaller parts.",
"context": [

The context message object fields are​

  • message - an message to be displayed to the user
  • codeSpan - a source code span associated with or referenced by the message
"message": "getter complexityEntities increase metric value",
"codeSpan": {


Use --reporter=gitlab to get output in a GitLab-compatible format. To learn how to integrate DCM with GitLab, refer to this guide.

Code Climate​

Use --reporter=codeclimate to get output in Code Climate format.

Output example
{"type":"issue","check_name":"widgets-nesting-level","description":"Build method has widgets nesting level of 7, which exceeds the maximum of 6 allowed.","categories":["Complexity"],"location":{"path":"lib/src/selectors/color_well.dart","positions":{"begin":{"column":3,"line":106},"end":{"column":4,"line":153}}},"severity":"info","fingerprint":"af5c0190fa59005295c7b3c6feb05547"}
{"type":"issue","check_name":"maximum-nesting-level","description":"This method has a nesting level of 2, which exceeds the maximum of 1 allowed.","categories":["Complexity"],"location":{"path":"lib/src/selectors/graphical_time_picker_painter.dart","positions":{"begin":{"column":3,"line":129},"end":{"column":4,"line":159}}},"severity":"info","fingerprint":"8b7d6bf9360ef83fe9657312127e2693"}


Use --reporter=checkstyle to get output in Checkstyle format.

Output example
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<checkstyle version="10.0">
<file name="../abstract_class.dart">
<error line="0" message="metric comment" severity="warning" source="file-metric-id"/>
<error line="0" severity="error" message="metric comment" source="id"/>
<file name="../class_with_factory_constructors.dart">
<error line="0" severity="warning" message="metric comment" source="id"/>

Checkstyle format is supported by Bitbucket. To learn how to integrate DCM with Bitbucket, refer to this guide.


Use --reporter=sonar to get output in SonarQube's generic format for external issues.

Output example
"rules": [
"cleanCodeAttribute": "CLEAR",
"description": "To learn more, visit the documentation",
"engineId": "dcm",
"id": "cyclomatic-complexity",
"impacts": [
"severity": "MEDIUM",
"softwareQuality": "MAINTAINABILITY"
"name": "cyclomatic-complexity"
"cleanCodeAttribute": "CLEAR",
"description": "To learn more, visit the documentation",
"engineId": "dcm",
"id": "maximum-nesting-level",
"impacts": [
"severity": "MEDIUM",
"softwareQuality": "MAINTAINABILITY"
"name": "maximum-nesting-level"
"issues": [
"primaryLocation": {
"filePath": "lib/src/sheets/macos_sheet.dart",
"message": "This method has a cyclomatic complexity of 4, which exceeds the maximum of 2 allowed.",
"textRange": {
"endColumn": 4,
"endLine": 101,
"startColumn": 3,
"startLine": 52
"ruleId": "cyclomatic-complexity"
"effortMinutes": 10,
"primaryLocation": {
"filePath": "lib/src/sheets/macos_sheet.dart",
"message": "This method has a nesting level of 2, which exceeds the maximum of 1 allowed.",
"textRange": {
"endColumn": 4,
"endLine": 210,
"startColumn": 3,
"startLine": 182
"ruleId": "maximum-nesting-level"