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Runs multiple DCM commands at once and provides the merged output (console, code climate / gitlab, json, checkstyle or sonar).


This command is supposed to be used on CI/CD. It has no progress indication and does not show any output on a successful run.

To execute the command, run:

$ dcm run --analyze --unused-code lib # or dcm r --analyze --unused-code lib

Full command description:

Usage: dcm run [arguments] <directories>
-h, --help Print this usage information.

--analyze Run dcm analyze.
--metrics Run dcm calculate-metrics.
--analyze-widgets Run dcm analyze-widgets.
--analyze-assets Run dcm analyze-assets.
--code-duplication Run dcm check-code-duplication.
--unused-code Run dcm check-unused-code.
--unused-files Run dcm check-unused-files.
--unused-l10n Run dcm check-unused-l10n.
--dependencies Run dcm check-dependencies.
--parameters Run dcm check-parameters.
--exports-completeness Run dcm check-exports-completeness.

Analyze widgets options:
--show-similarity Include similar widgets into the report.
--similarity-threshold (--threshold) Set a minimum threshold after which widgets are considered similar.
(defaults to "0.2")

Code duplication options:
--per-package Compare code for duplications only within one package.
--exclude-overrides Exclude methods marked with @override.
--statements-threshold Minimum number of statements inside a declaration block.
(defaults to "3")

Unused code options:
--no-exclude-overridden Do not treat overridden members as always used.

Unused localization options:
-p, --class-pattern="^AppLocalizations$" Regular expression for class names to detect classes that provide localization (e.g., ^AppLocalizations$).
(defaults to "^AppLocalizations$")

Dependencies options:
--ignored-packages="my-package,other,..." Package names that should be ignored.

Parameters options:
--show-same-value Include parameters that always get the same constant argument.
--show-unused-default-value Include parameters with default values that always get an argument.
--show-redundant Include parameters whose values are always passed with another parameter.
--show-unused-vft Include @visibleForTesting parameters that are never used in tests.
--show-broad-types Include parameters whose types can be made more specific.

Assets options:
--size Size limit for image assets.
(defaults to "500KB")
--webp Require converting .jpg and .png images to .webp.
--naming Required naming convention for image assets.
[pascal, kebab, snake]
--[no-]resolution Find missing or incorrect resolution-aware image assets.
(defaults to on)
--allowed-formats List of allowed formats for particular folders (e.g. icons:svg).

--upload Upload the output to DCM Dashboards.
--project The project key.
--with-details Include detailed reports into the uploaded result.

-r, --reporter="console" (--output-format) Analysis output format.
[console (default), json, codeclimate, gitlab, checkstyle, sonar]
-a, --absolute-path Show absolute paths in console reporter output.
--output-to="path/to/file" Path to the file with the analysis output.
--report-all Report all metrics, widgets and assets (default is to report only violations).

-c, --print-config Print resolved config.

--root-folder="./" Root folder.
(defaults to the current directory)
-s, --sdk-path="directory-path" Dart SDK directory path.
If the project has a `.fvm/flutter_sdk` symlink, it will be used if the SDK is not found.
-e, --exclude="{**/*.g.dart,**/*.freezed.dart}" Files to exclude (in Glob syntax).
(defaults to "{**/*.g.dart,**/*.freezed.dart}")

--ci-key The license key to run on CI server. Can be provided via DCM_CI_KEY env variable.
--email The email used to purchase the license. Can be provided via DCM_EMAIL env variable.

--no-analytics Disable sending anonymous usage statistics.

--exclude-public-api (--ep) Exclude publicly exported code from the analysis output.

--[no-]fatal-found Treat any found issue as fatal.
(defaults to on)

Suppressing Individual Commands​

Using --exclude affects all passed commands and won't help with configuring excludes for only one of the passed commands.

To configure excludes for individual commands, use the analysis_options.yaml configuration.

Output Example​

Console (default)​

Use --reporter=console to get output in console format.



Use --reporter=json to get output as a single JSON object containing metadata and violations grouped by file.

Format specification

The root object fields are​

  • formatVersion - an integer representing the format version (will be incremented each time the serialization format changes)
  • timestamp - a creation time of the report in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format
  • analyzeResults - an array of the "analyze" command results
  • metricResults - an array of the "calculate-metrics" command results
  • widgetResults - an array of the "analyze-widgets" command results
  • declarationName - an array of the "analyze-assets" command results
  • duplicationResults - an array of the "check-code-duplication" command results
  • unusedCodeResults - an array of the "check-unused-code" command results
  • unusedFilesResults - an array of the "check-unused-files" command results
  • unusedL10nResults - an array of the "check-unused-l10n" command results
  • dependenciesResults - an array of the "check-dependencies" command results
  • parametersResults - an array of the "check-parameters" command results
  • exportResults - an array of the "check-exports-completeness" command results

You can find more details about the format on each command's documentation page.


Use --reporter=gitlab to get output in a GitLab-compatible format. To learn how to integrate DCM with GitLab, refer to this guide.

Code Climate​

Use --reporter=codeclimate to get output in Code Climate format.

Output example
{"type":"issue","check_name":"prefer-match-file-name","description":"The first class name does not match the file name. Try renaming it.","categories":["Bug Risk"],"location":{"path":"lib/main.dart","positions":{"begin":{"column":7,"line":12},"end":{"column":12,"line":12}}},"severity":"critical","fingerprint":"99d316420d21b4c371325ad8d3092980"}
{"type":"issue","check_name":"proper-super-calls","description":"This 'super' call must come first.","categories":["Bug Risk"],"location":{"path":"lib/main.dart","positions":{"begin":{"column":5,"line":51},"end":{"column":23,"line":51}}},"severity":"critical","fingerprint":"5088440ac641ab4c3dc9e8282c95bab7"}


Use --reporter=checkstyle to get output in Checkstyle format.

Output example
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<checkstyle version="10.0">
<file name="../abstract_class.dart">
<error line="0" severity="info" message="simple design message" source="designId"/>
<error line="5" column="3" severity="warning" message="This function has 2 duplicate declarations" source="duplication-issue"/>
<error line="5" column="3" severity="warning" message="Unused class SomeClass" source="unused-code-issue"/>
<error line="0" severity="warning" message="another_package, package should be listed in dev dependencies" source="dependency-issue"/>
<file name="../class_with_factory_constructors.dart">
<error line="0" severity="warning" message="simple message" source="id"/>
<error line="0" severity="warning" message="some_package is not used" source="dependency-issue"/>
<file name="relative_root.dart">
<error line="5" column="3" severity="warning" message="This method is a duplicate of doWork (located at ../abstract_class.dart). Target declaration has 1 other duplicate." source="duplication-issue"/>
<error line="5" column="3" severity="warning" message="This function is a duplicate of doWork (located at ../abstract_class.dart). Target declaration has 1 other duplicate." source="duplication-issue"/>

Checkstyle format is supported by Bitbucket. To learn how to integrate DCM with Bitbucket, refer to this guide.


Use --reporter=sonar to get output in SonarQube's generic format for external issues.

Output example
"rules": [
"cleanCodeAttribute": "LOGICAL",
"description": "To learn more, visit the documentation",
"engineId": "dcm",
"id": "prefer-match-file-name",
"impacts": [
"severity": "MEDIUM",
"softwareQuality": "RELIABILITY"
"name": "prefer-match-file-name"
"cleanCodeAttribute": "LOGICAL",
"description": "To learn more, visit the documentation",
"engineId": "dcm",
"id": "proper-super-calls",
"impacts": [
"severity": "MEDIUM",
"softwareQuality": "RELIABILITY"
"name": "proper-super-calls"
"issues": [
"effortMinutes": 2,
"primaryLocation": {
"filePath": "lib/main.dart",
"message": "The first class name does not match the file name. Try renaming it.",
"textRange": {
"endColumn": 12,
"endLine": 12,
"startColumn": 7,
"startLine": 12
"ruleId": "prefer-match-file-name"
"effortMinutes": 5,
"primaryLocation": {
"filePath": "lib/main.dart",
"message": "This 'super' call must come first.",
"textRange": {
"endColumn": 23,
"endLine": 51,
"startColumn": 5,
"startLine": 51
"ruleId": "proper-super-calls"