Warns when the event name does not comply with Firebase limitations.
Firebase requires the event name to contain 1 to 40 alphanumeric characters or underscores and start with an alphabetic character.
❌ Bad:
void fn() {
// LINT: Incorrect event name. Event names should contain 1 to 40 alphanumeric characters or underscores and start with an alphabetic character.
_analytics.logEvent(name: '');
// LINT: Incorrect event name. Event names should contain 1 to 40 alphanumeric characters or underscores and start with an alphabetic character.
_analytics.logEvent(name: '😅');
// LINT: Incorrect event name. Event names should contain 1 to 40 alphanumeric characters or underscores and start with an alphabetic character.
_analytics.logEvent(name: '_');
✅ Good:
void fn() {
_analytics.logEvent(name: 'correct_name');