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Warns when hooks inside the build method or other hooks are called conditionally.

Similar to State, hooks are stored in the Element of a Widget. However, instead of having one State, the Element stores a List<Hook>. Then in order to use a Hook, one must call Hook.use.

The hook returned by use is based on the number of times it has been called. The first call returns the first hook; the second call returns the second hook, the third call returns the third hook and so on. Calling hooks conditionally breaks this implementation behavior and can lead to unexpected results.


❌ Bad:

void useOtherFunction(bool condition) {
// LINT: Avoid conditional hooks.
// Try moving this invocation out of the condition.
final b = condition ? useMemoized(() {}) : useMemoized(() {});

class MyWidget extends HookWidget {

Widget build() {
var condition = true;
if (condition) {
// LINT: Avoid conditional hooks.
// Try moving this invocation out of the condition.
useMemoized(() {});


✅ Good:

class MyWidget extends HookWidget {

Widget build() {
useMemoized(() {
if (condition) {


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