Metrics are grouped by category to help you understand their purpose.
Function / Method Metrics 9 metrics
The number of linearly-independent paths through a method
The method size is based on the number of operators and operands
The number of physical lines of code of a method, including blank lines and comments
The indicator that means how maintainable the source code is
The maximum nesting level of control structures within a method
The number of parameters received by a method
The number of widgets used inside a build
The approximate number of source code lines in a method, blank lines and comments are not counted
The depths of widgets used inside a build
Class Metrics 10 metrics
Number of classes to which a class is coupled
Maximum inheritance path from the class to the root class
The number of own methods provided by a class
The number of interfaces implemented by a class
The number of methods of a class
The number of methods overridden by a class
Number of methods in the class plus number of remote methods directly called by methods of the class
Measures how well the methods of a class are related to each other
The number of "functional" public methods divided by the total number of public members
The sum of the complexity of all class methods
File Metrics 3 metrics
The number of external imports in a file
The number of imports in a file
The cost of additional rework caused by choosing an easy (limited) solution now instead of using a better approach that would take longer