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Warns when a StatelessWidget has an initialized final field.

Non-static initialized fields are usually a sign of a state. Consider converting the widget to StatefulWidget.


You can fix this rule's issues using the 'Convert to StatefulWidget' assist.


❌ Bad:

class AnotherWidget extends StatelessWidget {
// LINT: Avoid initialized fields in a 'StatelessWidget'.
// Try converting this widget to a 'StatefulWidget' instead.
final initialized = <String>{};

// LINT: Avoid initialized fields in a 'StatelessWidget'.
// Try converting this widget to a 'StatefulWidget' instead.
late final someField = <String>{};

✅ Good:

class AnotherWidget extends StatelessWidget {
static final initialized = <String>{};

final someField;

const AnotherWidget(this.someField);

// Or

class _AnotherWidgetState extends State<AnotherWidget> {
final initialized = <String>{};

late final someField = <String>{};