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added in: 1.3.0
preset: recommended

Warns when a method that should be invoked is passed as tear-off.


❌ Bad:

class SomeClass {
final Future<void> Function() callback;
final void Function() regular;
final String Function() another;

const SomeClass({
required this.callback,
required this.regular,
required this.another,

void _handle() {

String _strHandle() => 'Dart Code Metrics';

void main() {
callback: () async => _handle, // LINT
regular: () => _handle, // LINT
another: _strHandle,

✅ Good:

class SomeClass {
final Future<void> Function() callback;
final void Function() regular;
final String Function() another;

const SomeClass({
required this.callback,
required this.regular,
required this.another,

void _handle() {

String _strHandle() => 'Dart Code Metrics';

void main() {
callback: () async => _handle(),
regular: () => _handle(),
another: _strHandle,