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added in: 1.8.0
preset: recommended

Warns when a JSON object type cast is done in an unsafe way that will throw at runtime.

Casting a JSON object to a map or list with generic types specified as anything except Object? / Object / dynamic can lead to a runtime exception. Instead, cast first to Object? and then to the desired type.


❌ Bad:

void main() {
final jsonRaw = '{"items": {"hello": 1}}';
final items = json['items'] as Map<String, int>; // LINT

final jsonRaw = '{"items": [1, 2, 3]}';
final items = json['items'] as List<int>; // LINT

if (json case Object() as List<String>) {} // LINT

✅ Good:

import 'dart:convert';

void main() {
final jsonRaw = '{"items": {"hello": 1}}';
final json = jsonDecode(jsonRaw) as Map<String, Object?>;
final items = (json['items'] as Map<String, Object?>).cast<String, int>();

final jsonRaw = '{"items": [1, 2, 3]}';
final json = jsonDecode(jsonRaw) as Map<String, Object?>;
final items = (json['items'] as List<Object?>).cast<int>().toList();