Warns when a class or enum declaration has several constants with the same primitive values.
Duplicate enum constants are usually the result of a typo and a sign of a bug.
❌ Bad:
enum MyEnum {
b('hi'), // LINT: Avoid duplicate constant values. Try changing this value or moving it out to a separate constant.
final String value;
const MyEnum(this.value);
class RuleType {
final String value;
const RuleType._(this.value);
static const common = RuleType._('common');
static const flutter = RuleType._('common'); // LINT: Avoid duplicate constant values. Try changing this value or moving it out to a separate constant.
✅ Good:
enum MyEnum {
b('hello'), // Correct, different value
final String value;
const MyEnum(this.value);
class RuleType {
final String value;
const RuleType._(this.value);
static const common = RuleType._('common');
static const flutter = RuleType._('flutter'); // Correct, different value