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Warns when a Future is the target of the toString method or is used in an interpolation.

The result of calling toString() on a Future is Instance of '_Future<String>' and is usually not expected.


❌ Bad:

void main() {
final myFuture = Future.value(1);

// LINT: Avoid calling 'toString' on 'Futures'. Try awaiting the value before calling 'toString'.

// LINT: Avoid calling 'toString' on 'Futures'. Try awaiting the value before calling 'toString'.
print('hello $myFuture');

✅ Good:

Future<void> withAwait() async {
final myFuture = Future.value(1);

print((await myFuture).toString()); // Correct, awaited
print('hello ${(await myFuture)}'); // Correct, awaited

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