Warns when a set literal is used in a wrong place.
❌ Bad:
void fn() {
// LINT: Avoid misused set literals. Try removing the set literal around the expression.
wrong(() => {1});
// LINT: Avoid misused set literals. Try removing the set literal around the expression.
wrong(() async => {1});
// LINT: Avoid misused set literals. Try removing the set literal around the expression.
wrongNamed(callback: () => {1});
// LINT: Avoid misused set literals. Try removing the set literal around the expression.
final void Function() wrong = () => {1};
void wrongNamed({required void Function() callback}) {}
void wrong(void Function() p) {}
// LINT: Avoid misused set literals. Try removing the set literal around the expression.
void wrong() => {1};
class _State<T> extends State<T> {
String value;
Widget build() {
return MyWidget(
// LINT: Avoid misused set literals. Try removing the set literal around the expression.
onPressed: () => {
setState(() {
value = '2';
✅ Good:
void fn() {
correct(() => 1); // Correct, no set literal
correct(() async => 1);
correctNamed(callback: () => 1);
final void Function() correct = () => 1;
// or
final void Function() correct = () { 1; };
void correctNamed({required void Function() callback}) {}
void correct(void Function() p) {}
void correct() {
class _State<T> extends State<T> {
String value;
Widget build() {
return MyWidget(
onPressed: () { // Correct, '=>' is removed
setState(() {
value = '2';