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Warns when a parameter's field or setter is reassigned.

Mutating fields of complex parameter objects can lead to unexpected results (for example, when one function changes the passed object in a way that affects the outer function's result) and reduce readability and maintainability of the code.


❌ Bad:

class SomeClass {
var flag = true;

set value(String value) {

void function(SomeClass some) {
some.flag = false; // LINT: Avoid mutating parameters.
some.value = 'hello'; // LINT: Avoid mutating parameters.

✅ Good:

class SomeClass {
var flag = true;

set value(String value) {

SomeClass function(SomeClass some) {
final newValue = SomeClass();
newValue.flag = false;
newValue.value = 'hello';

return newValue; // Correct, returning a new object instead