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Warns when a late field is not assigned a value.

Using late fields that have not received a value will result in runtime exceptions and should be avoided.


❌ Bad:

class Test {
late final field = 'string';

// LINT: This field is never assigned a value.
// Try assigning a value to it or removing the 'late' keyword.
late int uninitializedField;

// LINT: This field is never assigned a value.
// Try assigning a value to it or removing the 'late' keyword.
late int _privateLate;

✅ Good:

class Test {
late final field = 'string';

late int anotherField; // Correct, assigned

final String regular; // Correct, not late

Test(this.regular) : anotherField = 1;

Known Limitations

This rule checks assignments to late fields only in the declaration file.

Additional Resources