preset: recommended
Warns about unrelated usages of the as
operator and cast
Incorrect usages of the as
operator can lead to runtime exceptions and unexpected behavior.
❌ Bad:
class Example {
final regularString = '';
final myList = <int>[1, 2, 3];
final Animal animal = Animal();
void main() {
final result = regularString as int; // LINT: Avoid unrelated 'as' cast. Target type has no overlap with the cast type.
final result2 = myList as List<String>; // LINT: Avoid unrelated 'as' cast. Target type has no overlap with the cast type.
final result3 = animal as NotAnimal; // LINT: Avoid unrelated 'as' cast. Target type has no overlap with the cast type.
if (animal case Animal() as NotAnimal) {} // LINT: Avoid unrelated 'as' cast. Target type has no overlap with the cast type.
class Animal {}
class HomeAnimal extends Animal {}
class NotAnimal {}
✅ Good:
class Example {
final regularString = '';
final myList = <int>[1, 2, 3];
final Animal animal = Animal();
void main() {
final result = regularString;
final result2 = myList;
final result3 = animal;
if (animal case Animal() as HomeAnimal) {}