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Warns about unrelated usages of the as operator and cast method.

Incorrect usages of the as operator can lead to runtime exceptions and unexpected behavior.

⚙️ Config

Set ignore-mixins (default is false) to exclude mixins (example).

- avoid-unrelated-type-casts:
ignore-mixins: false


❌ Bad:

class Example {
final regularString = '';
final myList = <int>[1, 2, 3];

final Animal animal = Animal();

void main() {
// LINT: Avoid unrelated 'as' cast. Target type has no overlap with the cast type.
final result = regularString as int;
// LINT: Avoid unrelated 'as' cast. Target type has no overlap with the cast type.
final result2 = myList as List<String>;

// LINT: Avoid unrelated 'as' cast. Target type has no overlap with the cast type.
final result3 = animal as NotAnimal;

// LINT: Avoid unrelated 'as' cast. Target type has no overlap with the cast type.
if (animal case Animal() as NotAnimal) {}

class Animal {}

class HomeAnimal extends Animal {}

class NotAnimal {}

✅ Good:

class Example {
final regularString = '';
final myList = <int>[1, 2, 3];

final Animal animal = Animal();

void main() {
final result = regularString;
final result2 = myList;

final result3 = animal;

if (animal case Animal() as HomeAnimal) {}

Example with "ignore-mixins"

- avoid-unrelated-type-casts:
ignore-mixins: true

✅ Good:

void main() {
final HomeAnimal homeAnimal = HomeAnimal();

final result = homeAnimal as WithLegs; // Correct, mixins are ignored

class Animal with WithLegs {}

class HomeAnimal extends Animal {}

mixin WithLegs {}

Known Limitations

The rule does not have access to all subclasses and their mixins and therefore in some cases will highlight such usages as incorrect.

class Parent {}

mixin Mixin {}

class Child with Mixin {}

void fn() {
final list = <Parent>[]; // List of 'Parents'

for (final item in list) {
(item as Mixin); // Expected

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