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added in: 1.10.0
Dart 3.0+
preset: recommended

Warns when a switch on the Enum value has a wildcard pattern case.

Once a new constant is added to a Enum, the analyzer will highlight all cases where this new constant should be used, unless there is a wildcard case.


❌ Bad:

enum MyEnum { first, second }

void someFn() {
final value = MyEnum.first;

final result = switch (value) {
MyEnum.first => 1,
_ => 2, // LINT: Avoid wildcard cases with 'Enums'. Try enumerating all the possible values of the switch expression.

✅ Good:

enum MyEnum { first, second }

void someFn() {
final value = MyEnum.first;

final result = switch (value) {
MyEnum.first => 1,
MyEnum.second => 2, // Correct, all enum constants are listed