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Suggests to prefix boolean variables, methods, fields and parameters with one of the configured prefixes.

⚙️ Config

Set ignored-names (default is empty) to ignore specific function / method names.

Set ignore-methods (default is false) to exclude methods.

Set ignored-annotations (default is empty) to ignore declarations with specific annotations.

Set ignore-fields (default is false) to exclude fields.

Set ignore-parameters (default is false) to exclude parameters.

Set prefixes (default is [is, are, was, were, has, have, had, can, should, will, do, does, did]) to configure the list of allowed prefixes.

- prefer-boolean-prefixes:
ignore-fields: false
ignore-methods: false
ignore-parameters: false
- someAnnotation
- some
- name
- is
- are


❌ Bad:

class Some {
// LINT: This declaration has a boolean type, but is not named with a valid prefix.
// Try renaming this declaration.
final bool test;
// LINT: This declaration has a boolean type, but is not named with a valid prefix.
// Try renaming this declaration.
final bool isnotcorrect;
// LINT: This declaration has a boolean type, but is not named with a valid prefix.
// Try renaming this declaration.
final bool _private;

// LINT: This declaration has a boolean type, but is not named with a valid prefix.
// Try renaming this declaration.
bool someRandom() => false;

✅ Good:

class Some {
final bool hasTest;
final bool isCorrect;
final bool _isPrivate;

bool isCorrectMethod() => true;