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Warns when a FutureOr is not unwrapped before being used.

Awaiting FutureOr without checking if the returned value is actually a Future results in unnecessary async gap.


❌ Bad:

FutureOr<int> futureOrFunction() async => 1;

Future<void> main() async {
// LINT: Ensure that the type of this expression is 'Future' before awaiting it.
await futureOrFunction();

✅ Good:

FutureOr<int> futureOrFunction() async => 1;

Future<void> main() async {
final futureOr = futureOrFunction();

int result;
if (futureOr is Future) {
result = await futureOr;
} else {
result = futureOr;

// Or

final value = futureOr is Future ? await futureOr : futureOr;

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